
ICEP Committees

Committee terms are 1-year. Terms being at the conclusion of the Ginny Kennedy Palys Annual Symposium to the next when the term expires. All committee members must reapply if interested in serving on the same committee or new the beginning of each year. Members may serve on no more than 2 committees per year unless otherwise directed by ICEP leadership.

ICEP Volunteer Participation Expectations

Awards & Nominating Committee
This committee nominates members for national ACEP awards, nominates a member to receive the Bill B. Smiley Meritorious Service Award, the ICEP Meritorious Service Award, and other occasional awards. The Committee coordinates presentation of ICEP awards at the ICEP Ginny Kennedy Palys Annual Symposium and develops methods to recognize chapter members for exemplary service.

The Committee develops slates of candidates for election to various ICEP leadership positions, including Board of Directors, councillors, and officers.

Jason A. Kegg, MD, CHSE, FACEP, Chair
Christine Babcock, MD, MSc, FACEP
Debra Baines, MD, FACEP
Dayle Davenport, MD, FACEP
Cai Glushak, MD, FACEP
Janet Lin, MD, MPH, FACEP
Christopher McDowell, MD, MBA, MEd, MS, FACEP
Henry Pitzele, MD, FACEP

Ginny Kennedy Palys, Staff Liaison (

Education Committee
ICEP presents excellent continuing medical education programs throughout the year that are monitored and developed by this committee. Examples of educational courses offered are the Spring Symposium, Emergency Medicine Update, Oral Board Review Course, and Emergent Procedures Simulation Skills Lab.

Janet Lin, MD, MPH, MBA, FACEP, Chair
Thomas Alcorn,  MD
Christine Babcock, MD, MSc, FACEP
Matthew Baluzy, DO
Sophia Bodnar, DO
Michael Cirone, MD
Carolyn Clayton, MD, FACEP
Christopher Colbert, DO, FACEP, FACOEP
Kristen Donaldson, MD, MPH, FACEP
Wesley Eilbert, MD, FACEP
Erik Frost, DO, MA, FACEP
Rodney Fullmer, DO, MBS, FACEP, FACOEP
Katarzyna (Kasia) Gore, MD, FACEP
Stephen Gore, MD
Michael Gottlieb, MD, FACEP
Nita Gupta, MD
Travis Hase, MD
Kathleen Hegarty, MD
Jeffrey Heiferman, MD
Sara Hock, MD FACEP
Matthew Kuhns, MD
Jared Novack, MD, FACEP
Adriana Olson, MD, FACEP
Nathan Olson, MD, FACEP
S. Margaret Paik, MD, FACEP
Joseph Palter, MD
Priya Patel, MD
Lauren Pierce, MD
Monika Pitzele, MD, PhD, FACEP
Gregory Podolej, MD, MPHE, FACEP
Nicolas Ramsay, MD
Nupur Shah, DO
Lydia Sharp, MD, FACEP
Helen Straus, MD, FACEP
Tina Sundaram, MD
Robert Tennill, MD, CHSE, FACEP
Deb Weber, MD, FACEP

Mary Taylor, ICEP Staff Liaison (

EMS Committee
This committee develops, supports, and recommends ICEP positions on EMS issues including paramedic licensure, medical control, trauma center designation, and leadership in EMS systems in collaboration with ICEP Board of Directors and other Committees

Ken Pearlman, MD, FACEP, Chair
David Hassard, MD, FACEP, Chair
Kurt Bloomstrand, MD, FACEP, FAAEM
Mark Cichon, DO
Nicholas Cozzi, MD, MBA, FACEP
Scott French, MD, FACEP
Susan Fuchs, MD
Jacob Ginglen, DO, RN, EMT
Cai Glushak, MD, FACEP
Matthew Jordan, MD
Jason A. Kegg, MD, CHSE, FACEP
Max Koenigsberg, MD EMTP
Jeremy Lott, DO
Eddie Markul, MD
Valerie Phillips, MD, FACEP
Art Proust, MD FACEP
Matthew Smetana, DO
Jon Strotkamp, DO, FACEP
Katie Tataris, MD, MPH.

TBA, ICEP Staff Liaison

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee reviews and recommends ICEP’s financial policies. ICEP’s budget, financial statements, investments and investment policies are all supervised by this committee as well as any budget modifications to be brought before the ICEP Board of Directors.

Kristen Donaldson, MD, MPH, FACEP, Chair – Board Liaison
Jason A. Kegg, MD, CHSE, FACEP
Janet Lin, MD, MPH, MBA, FACEP, Chair
Christopher McDowell, MD, MBA, MEd, MS, FACEP
Henry Pitzele, MD, FACEP
Yanina Purim-Shem-Tov, MD, MS, FACEP
Willard  W. Sharp, MD, PhD, FACEP
Edward Sloan, MD, MPH, FACEP
Robert Tennill, MD, CHSE, FACEP
Ernie Wang, MD, FACEP
Edward Ward, MD, FACEP

Jennifer Wenthen, Staff Liaison (
Ginny Kennedy Palys, Staff Liaison (

ITLS Illinois Advisory Committee
ICEP serves as the Illinois chapter of International Trauma Life Support (ITLS). The Advisory Committee coordinates ITLS and its members conduct ITLS basic and advanced provider and instructor training programs throughout the state.

Art Proust, MD, FACEP, Chair
Eric Brandmeyer, RN, EMT-P
Michael Dant, EMT-P
Nicholas Fish, RN, BSN
Karyn Eisemann, Coordinator
Marilyn Hallock, MD, MS, FACEP
Edward Kemnitz, EMT-P
Greg Love, NRP

Sue McDonough, ICEP Staff Liaison (

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works to develop services to members and potential members of ICEP. Membership recruitment and retention are among the committee’s objectives.

Katarzyna (Kasia) Gore, MD, FACEP, Chair – Board Liaison
Debra Baines, MD, FACEP
Matthew Kuhns, MD
Laura Napier, MD, MBA

Ginny Kennedy Palys, Staff Liaison (

Patient and Physician Advocacy Committee
The committee supports ICEP’s political action committee and key contact network with state legislators. The committee recommends and collaborates with the ICEP Board of Directors to identify key issues for action and develop strategies ensure a positive practice environment for emergency physicians and maintain the quality of care for emergency department patients.

The committee is also designed to increase public awareness of ICEP, emergency medicine and emergency medicine issues. The committee plans special activities and projects to promote the interests of emergency medicine.

Elisabeth Giblin, MD, Chair
Amit Arwindekar, MD, MBA, FACEP, Co-Chair – Board Liaison
Halleh Akbarnia, MD, FACEP, ICEP – Board Liaison
Sobia Ansari, MD, MPH
Carolyn Clayton, MD, FACEP
Nicholas Cozzi, MD, MBA, FACEP
Kristen Donaldson, MD, MPH, FACEP
Scott French, MD, FACEP
Katarzyna (Kasia) Gore, MD, FACEP
Adnan Hussain, MD, FACEP
Matthew Jankowski, MD
Jason Kegg, MD, CHSE, FACEP
Amy Kontrick, MD
Amy Kule, MD, FACEP
Hannah Meissner, MD
Joshua Miksanek, MD, FACEP
Joseph Palter, MD
Henry Pitzele, MD, FACEP
Monika Pitzele, MD, PhD, FACEP
Gregory Podolej, MD, MPHE, FACEP
Yanina Purim-Shem-Tov, MD, MS, FACEP
Adam Rodos, MD, FACEP
Adam Roussas, MD, MBA, MSE
Michael Rozum, MD
Thomas Sugarmann, MD, FACEP, FAAEM
Robert Tennill,  MD, CHSE, FACEP
Michael Wahl, MD

Ginny Kennedy Palys, Staff Liaison (

Practice Management Committee
The Practice Management Committee develops, supports and advocates ICEP’s positions on practice management issues. Committee members educate payors about the unique role of emergency medicine and provide information and education to members on reimbursement, pension/retirement and other practice management issues.

Adnan Hussain, MD, FACEP, Chair – Board Liaison
Dania Abu-Jubara, DO
G. Carolyn Clayton, MD, FACEP
Joan Dimopoulos, MD
Travis Hase, MD
Mitchell Kentor, MD
Shannon Lovett, MD, FACEP
Alex Lucas, MD
John Moustoukas, MD MBA FACEP
Laura Napier, MD MBA
Yanina Purim-Shem-Tov  MD, MS, FACEP
Adam Rodos, MD, FACEP

TBA, ICEP Staff Liaison

Research Committee
The Research Committee conducts a scientific papers and posters presentation at the ICEP Annual Meeting, is sponsoring a resident research grant program, and surveys Illinois Emergency Departments about their research projects.

Shu Chan, MD, MS, Chair
Neeraj Chhabra, MD
Casey Collier, MD, FACEP
Wesley Eilbert, MD, FACEP
Michael Gottlieb, MD, FACEP
Mark Mycyk, MD
Willard Sharp, MD, PhD, FACEP, FAAEM
Edward Sloan, MD, MPH, FACEP

Mary Taylor, Staff Liaison (

Social Emergency Medicine Committee
This committee’s mission is to foster awareness of the social determinants of health, with an emphasis on advocacy and policy change, education, and research. Committee members focus on decreasing health disparities in emergency care through systematic interventions that address the social context of patients in urban, rural and international settings.

Devon Buddan, MD, Chair
Halleh Akbarnia, MD, MPH, FACEP
Sobia Ansari, MD, MPH
Debra Baines, MD
Steve Brown, MSW, LCSW, Community Liaison
Vinoo Dissanayake, MD, MPH, FACEP
Corey Goldstein, MD
Hannah MeissnerMD
Theresa NguyenMD
Qi Zhang, MD, MPH

Brittney Tambeau, Staff Liaison (

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ICEP - Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 2001 Butterfield Road Esplanade I, Suite 320, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Telephone: 630.495.6400 | 888.495.ICEP 

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