Survey for ICEP Members 2025

Dear ICEP members,

The Illinois Poison Center (IPC) is conducting a Health Care Professional Satisfaction Survey to ensure that the IPC is providing the best possible service to emergency physicians and staff. With the survey results, we wish to determine how we can better support our hospital-based health care partners.

The survey should only take 2 minutes to complete. Responses to the survey will be confidential and no identifying information will be included in the analysis.

Click here to access the survey:

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Carol DesLauriers at or Michael Wahl as

Please respond by April 1, 2025.

Thank you,

Carol DesLauriers, PharmD, DABAT
Assistant Vice President, Illinois Poison Center
Illinois Health and Hospital Association

Medical Director, Illinois Poison Center

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ICEP - Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 2001 Butterfield Road Esplanade I, Suite 320, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Telephone: 630.495.6400 | 888.495.ICEP 

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