Special Deliveries Course in Boston Focuses on Managing Births in the ED

Join ICEP member Daniel Robinson, MD, and former longtime ICEP member Valerie Dobiesz, MD, MPH, Conference Director, at a course that aims to educate emergency providers in the management of normal & complicated deliveries occurring in emergency settings.

“Special Deliveries: Managing Births in the Emergency Department” will be presented September 16, 2017 at the STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston.

The course is designed to provide hands on training in the management of normal and complicated deliveries. The course will also help providers manage the high risk, low frequency events around deliveries.

Participants will be given the opportunity to practice complications including shoulder dystocia, breech
delivery, eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage and multiple gestation. Participants will be actively involved in hands on practice as well as small group discussion.

View Program Information

For more details or to register, visit specialdeliveries.org.

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