Important for ED providers who work with sexual assault survivors
April 19, 2022According to the SASETA, all ED providers who work with sexual assault survivors and are not SANEs or SAFEs need to do 2h of training every 2 years. The next deadline is July 1, 2022. The link below are instructions on how to access the updated training module from the Office of Attorney General. Click […]
Meet the ICEP Board of Directors 2022 Candidates
March 29, 2022Voting is conducted online at: To log in and cast your ballot, you will use your ACEP Member number (beginning with A) and your email (as recorded by ACEP) at the link provided above. If you cannot sign in to the voting platform at the link above with your email and ACEP […]
Congrats to ICEP’s Ernest E. Wang, M.D for Being Elected to the ABEM Board of Directors
February 17, 2022From the ABEM website. The Board of Directors of the American Board of Emergency (ABEM) has elected two new members: Susan E. Farrell, M.D., Ed.M., and Ernest E. Wang, M.D. Dr. Wang is Chief of Emergency Medicine and Assistant Dean for Medical Education for the NorthShore University Health System, where he practices clinically. He is […]
Missed Advocacy Day 2022? Watch it here now!
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Wednesday, February 16th for Advocacy Day. If you were unable to attend Advocacy Day with us you can watch it here.
Illinois Heart Rescue is providing AEDs
February 11, 2022Purpose and background of Illinois Heart Rescue: As a state-funded nonprofit, the Heart Rescue Project aims to improve how out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is recognized, treated, and measured in the State of Illinois. With a state population of over 12 million, Illinois Heart Rescue (ILHR) strives to make a significant public health impact […]
A Mortgage Program Specifically for Physicians
February 7, 2022Urge Congress to Improve Access to Lifesaving Treatment
January 25, 2022ACEP 911 Grassroots Network Action Alert: We need your help to urge Congress to swiftly take up and pass critical legislation that will help increase access for emergency physicians to buprenorphine, lifesaving medication to help OUD patients and decrease the stigma associated with treatment. Last year, more than 100,000 Americans died of a drug overdose. […]
The Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Shares Suggestions to Alleviate Health System Strain as Omicron Surges
January 14, 2022The Illinois College of Emergency Physicians Shares Suggestions to Alleviate Health System Strain as Omicron Surges Downers Grove, IL —Emergency departments in Illinois are filling with patients who have COVID-19 and other medical emergencies. Seeking routine COVID-19 tests at a testing site and managing mild to moderate illnesses at home can help make sure patients can […]
ICEP’s Dr. Monika Pitzele featured in the Chicago Tribune
January 11, 2022Op-ed: Billing insurance for rape kits isn’t just a money issue. It’s a safety issue for survivors. Read the full article from the Chicago Tribune here. Don’t pay for Chicago Tribune? Check out the pdf here.
Know When to Go to the Emergency Department for COVID Concerns
January 10, 2022While we all know that ED crowding is more about boarding, having patients presenting in large numbers to get tested is adding to the work overload at this time. ACEP has created a press release to try to address this. Read the full article here.