More Writers Needed for ACEP’s Doc Blog

ACEP’s Public Relations Department is always in need of writers for ACEP’s Doc Blog.  So far – this section of the Emergency Care For You website has been a tremendous success. Visit the blog to see who’s been writing lately.

ACEP is looking for physicians who have a few moments and are willing to write a very brief, basic article (400-500 words). If there is something specific you’d like to write about – for the general public — that’s not included below – please contact Mike Baldyga before you start writing just to make sure it’s not already covered. Finished articles can also be emailed directly to Mike.

Here are some suggested topics that ACEP is looking for articles on in the next several weeks:

What all parents (medically) need to know when sending kids off to live at college

  1. Food poisoning
  2. Lyme disease
  3. A patient experience anaphylaxis
  4. Injuries from being hit by a car
  5. Sickle Cell – what is it?  What are the symptoms? Treatments?
  6. Importance of giving blood
  7. Injuries at the playground
  8. Poisonous Snakebites
  9. Electrical shock injuries
  10. An example of a patient who waited too long before going to the ED
  11. Texting while walking injuries
  12. Common Foot injuries and what causes them
  13. Ambulance diversion – how has it affected situations in your ED?
  14. Mental health crisis and how it affects the ED
  15. ED violence – a situation I personally experienced

Any questions, call Mike Baldyga at 202-370-9288.

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