
ICEP Member Serving as Physician Leader for March for Our Lives Chicago

ICEP member Sobia Ansari, MD, MPH is serving as a physician leader with Doctors Demand Action for the March for Our Lives in Chicago, planned for Saturday, March 24 in Union Park.

ICEP members who wish to join fellow physicians and other health care professionals from across Chicago are welcome to join the event. The Doctors Demand Action group will meet and rally at 10 AM in Skinner Park, at the corner of Throop and Monroe, which is just blocks from Union Park (the site of the march).

RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/144120973079996/

Wear your white coats and bring signs and friends as local physicians stand together to march for our patients and responsible gun reform.

Find our more about the national March for Our Lives campaign

NOTE: A previous edition of this story incorrectly identified Meeta Shah, MD, as participating as a physician leader. ICEP regrets the error.

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