Contact Congress to Urge Support for Protections and Mental Health Resources for Health Care Providers on COVID-19 Front Lines

As you and your emergency medicine colleagues across the country continue your tireless efforts to advocate and care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, ACEP continues to advocate for your health and well-being during these challenging times.

Legislation has recently been introduced in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that will provide essential mental health resources and protections for emergency physicians on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is critical that Congress hears from emergency physicians around the country that this legislation needs to be included in the next COVID-19 relief package so that the health and well-being of emergency physicians and other health care workforce are protected and prioritized.

There is a small window of time now for you to reach out to your federal legislators to urge support. Please click here to learn more and send a message to your members of Congress today!

Click here to send your message today!

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