Advisory: 2nd U.S. Case of Novel Coronavirus Confirmed Today in Chicago

As you are aware, a second case of of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was confirmed today in Chicago.

The Chicago patient returned to the U.S. from Wuhan on January 13, 2020, and called a health care provider after experiencing symptoms a few days later. The patient was admitted to a hospital, where infection control measures were taken to reduce the risk of transmission to other individuals. The patient remains hospitalized in an isolation room in stable condition and is doing well.

Health officials are clear that the diagnosis in Chicago is a “single travel-associated case, not a local emergency,” Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady said at a news conference this morning.

Earlier this week, Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport was added to a list of five U.S. airports where health screening of travelers arriving from Wuhan, China, on direct or connecting flights is being implemented related to concerns about the spread of a nCoV.

Emergency physicians and hospitals likely have already received related communications and updated precautions for patients who are at risk of this infection. ICEP wants to provide additional communication and links to current information and recommendations. As the situation evolves, ICEP will continue to monitor and collaborate with IDPH, CDPH, and other local, regional and state public health agencies where needed and update our membership with new developments.

CDC Press Release on Confirmed Case in Illinois

CDC Clinical Criteria and Interim Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals

Chicago Department of Public Health Facts on Novel Coronavirus

Illinois Department of Public Health Coronavirus Page

Among the recent recommendations:

  • A travel and exposure history should be obtained for patients being evaluated for fever and acute respiratory illness.
  • Patients in the U.S. who have fever and symptoms of lower respiratory illness and who have a history of travel from Wuhan City or close contact with a patient under investigation for the novel coronavirus, as well as those with fever or lower respiratory symptoms and close contact with a laboratory-confirmed case of the novel coronavirus should be evaluated as a patient under investigation in association with the outbreak.
  • Patients under investigation should be asked to wear a surgical mask and evaluated in a private, closed room. Eye protection and standard contact precautions should be utilized by health care providers.
  • Criteria for a person under investigation (PUI) per CDC is noted on their Interim Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals
  • Infection control personnel and local/state health departments should be notified immediately of any patients under investigation for the novel coronavirus.
  • Public health agencies in collaboration with the CDC will assist with proper patient testing. Patients positive for other respiratory pathogens at this time are no longer considered possible Wuhan Coronavirus patients (may change)

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