ICEP Call for Nominations!

It’s time for ICEP members to nominate themselves or colleagues for election to the ICEP Board of Directors or for councillor.  There will be four members elected to the ICEP Board this year. The Board term is three years and members may serve up to two consecutive terms. Elections will take place electronically with ballots going out in April.

If you would like to be considered by the ICEP Nominating Committee, send a letter explaining your interest in serving on the Board with a current CV to Ginny Kennedy Palys at by Monday, January 31.  All active members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Board.  One Board position is allocated to an emergency medicine resident.

ICEP will have 13 councilors in the ACEP Council in 2022.  There is no limit on the number of terms a councilor may serve. Both active and resident members are eligible to serve as councilors. Please send a letter expressing your interest and a current CV to Ginny Kennedy Palys at by Monday, January 31.

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ICEP - Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 2001 Butterfield Road Esplanade I, Suite 320, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Telephone: 630.495.6400 | 888.495.ICEP 

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