Mission: Lifeline Program Seeks Applications for EMS Recognition

Is your EMS agency working with your hospitals to gain recognition?
Is your hospital working with your EMS providers to help them gain recognition?

Mission: Lifeline® is excited to offer a recognition program designed to showcase Emergency Medical Service organizations across the nation for excellent STEMI care. In 2016, 21 agencies in Illinois were recognized.

Application to apply for recognition is open until March 31, 2017. Mission: Lifeline Director Art Miller, RN/EMT-P encourages organizations to apply as early as possible so he can better track and anticipate Illinois’ participation.

To learn more about the requirements for EMS recognition and download the applications, browse the AHA program tools online at: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Professional/MissionLifelineHomePage/Mission-Lifeline-EMS-Recognition_UCM_308047_Article.jsp#.WH-rsfKQzGj

What is Mission: Lifeline® EMS Recognition?

Mission: Lifeline® EMS Recognition seeks to acknowledge the work, training and commitment by EMS agencies and Medical First Responders (MFRs) to improve the overall quality of care for the STEMI patient. This year, additional voluntary reporting measures have been added to include EMS care of stroke patients and cardiac arrest victims as well.

What role does the Emergency Medical System team play in Mission: Lifeline?

EMS providers are vital to the overall success of Mission: Lifeline STEMI Systems of Care. MFR’s and EMS agencies with education in the assessment and early identification of the STEMI patient, early access to 12 lead ECG’s with implemented protocols derived from ACC/AHA STEMI Guidelines, are agents that are driving significant improvements in the care of STEMI patients. Communication and collaboration among pre-hospital and hospital providers are the essence of Mission: Lifeline.

What are the recognition levels and the volume requirements for each?

• BRONZE: At least 1 calendar quarter achieving a minimum of 75% compliance for each required measure.
(2 STEMI patients in one calendar quarter meeting achievement criteria and at least 4 STEMI patients in the calendar year required)
• SILVER: Aggregated annual score achieving a minimum of 75% compliance for each required measure. Volume: at least 8 patients in the calendar year.
• GOLD*: 2 consecutive calendar years meeting Silver award requirements.
Volume: at least 8 STEMI patients + SILVER achievement in the last calendar year.

*Plus designations for each award level are possible for agencies reporting on and achieving the new Plus Measure.

1. % of patients with non-traumatic chest pain >35 years old, treated and transported by EMS who received a prehospital 12 lead ECG.
2. % of STEMI patients transported to a STEMI Receiving Center, with prehospital FMC to Device < 90 mins.
3. % of STEMI patients transported to a STEMI Referring Center, with Arrival to Fibrinolytic Therapy < 30 Minutes.
4. % of STEMI patients transported to a STEMI Receiving Center, with prehospital (FMC) to Device < 90 Minutes

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